“Worried Man Blues” is the Peace Song of the Day for November 3, 2011. This is a traditional song. You can find the lyrics in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 105.
A new verse by Duchess Susanna: “It takes a worried nation, to make an occupation…”
Below is a video with Pete Seeger and Johnny Cash. (You know ol’ Pete will ask you to sing along…)
Worried Man Blues
It takes a worried man to sing a worried song (3x)
I’m worried now, but I won’t be worried long.
I went across the river & I lay down to sleep (3x)
When I woke up, had shackles on my feet
The shackles on my feet had 21 links of chain (3x)
(Or, “29 links” of chain)
And on each link the initials of my name
I asked that the judge “Tell me what’s gonna be my fine?”
“21 years on the Rocky Mountain line!”
The train came to the station, 21 coaches long
The one I love is on that train & gone
I looked down the track as far as I could see
A little bitty hand was waving after me
If anyone should ask you who made up this song
Tell ’em ’twas I & I sing it all day long.
New verses for the American Autumn, 2011:
It takes a worried nation, to make an occupation (3)
We’re worried now, but we won’t be worried long.
The banksters took our dough, and now we say no, no (3)
We’re worried now, but we won’t be worried long
It start with you and me, to save democracy (3)
We’re worried now, but we won’t be worried long
It takes a peaceful nation, to win an occupation (3)
We’re worried now, but we won’t be worried long
The occupation thrives, if we keep it alive (3)
We’re worried now, but we won’t be worried long
Bonus video versions at Youtube:
Johnny Cash and the Carter Family: here.
Stanley Brothers Bluegrass on The Pete Seeger Show: here.
Woody Guthrie: here.