“Wouldn’t It Be Loverly” is the Peace Song of the Day for 10/23/2011. This song is from the movie and musical “My Fair Lady”. That show was based on the play Pygmalian, by George Bernard Shaw, which has some interesting observations on class and privilege.
You can fine the words to “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly” in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 113.
More about the choice of this song as a peace song…
This is one of those choices which seem incongruous, because it does not have the word peace in it. Though, it acknowledges needs and feelings, such as Nonviolent Communications encourages us to do. It is offered in the spirit of sharing the experience of winter setting in here on the East Coast. And, also, to wish for comfort and/or an easy winter for the Occupy Wall Street type occupations throughout the country. Perhaps some occupiers will sing this song to help keep them warm.
Excerpt from lyrics:
Wouldn’t It Be Loverly
All I want is a room somewhere
Far away from the cold night air
With one enormous chair
* * *
Oh, wouldn’t it be loverly!