“The Earth, The Air, The Fire, The Water” is the Peace Song of the day for Sunday, October 9th. This song is a Native American chant that was recorded by Libana.
The Earth, The Air, The Fire, The Water
The Earth, the Air, the Fire, the Water
Return, return, return, return
The Earth, the Air, the Fire, the Water
Return, return, return, return
* * *
Heya, heya, heya, heya
Heyo, heyo, heyo, heyo
Heya, heya, heya, heya
Heyo, heyo, heyo, heyo
The Peace Song of the Day is a project of Duke Augustus and Duchess Susanna, The Duke and Duchess of Peace. The Duke and Duchess recognize that one of the paths to peace is to find soulful and nonviolent entertainment, and to express oneself with art and song.