“Rhymes and Reasons” by John Denver is the Royal Peace Song of the Day for Saturday, October 1, 2011. You can find the lyrics in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 31. Duchess Susanna requested I post this song today. I cannot think of lyrics that could be more timely. There is an overbearing “sadness” from the constant and senseless killing the US perpetrates. One must be continually reminded not to turn away from love and turn to the culture of ‘fear” created by the corporate media. We must constantly battle our emotional climate as we try “clear a cloudy day.” I worry about the overnight vigillers as the season turns cold with ‘the coming of winter.”
come and stand beside us
we can find a better way
The Duchess and I are amused by those in the corporate media who are complaining that the young people are leading the movement to change the cancerous US economic system. We have been saying for years that the movement to create “another world” will not take off until the “young people” join. The leaders of this new movement are young, and they are some of the most adult people I have ever seen. To organize and continue a movement based on nonviolent principles takes amazing courage and strength. They truly are “a promise of the future and a blessing for today.”
So you speak to me of sadness and the coming of the winter,
The fear that is within you now that seems to never end,
and the dreams that have escaped you and the hope that you’ve forgotten,
and you tell me that you need me now and you want to be my friend,
and you wonder where we’re going, where’s the rhyme and where’s the reason?
And it’s you cannot accept: it is here we must begin to seek the wisdom of the children
and the graceful way of flowers in the wind.
For the children and the flowers are my sisters and my brothers,
their laughter and their loveliness would clear a cloudy day.
Like the music of the mountains and the colors of the rainbow,
they’re a promise of the future and a blessing for today.
Though the cities start to crumble and the towers fall around us,
the sun is slowly fading and it’s colder than the sea.
It is written: From the desert to the mountains they shall lead us,
by the hand and by the heart, they will comfort you and me.
In their innocence and trusting they will teach us to be free.
For the children and the flowers are my sisters and my brothers,
their laughter and their loveliness would clear a cloudy day.
And the song that I am singing is a prayer to non-believers,
come and stand beside us we can find a better way.
The Royal Song of the Day is a project of Duke Augustus and Duchess Susanna, The Duke and Duchess of Peace. The Duke and Duchess recognize that one of the paths to peace is to find soulful and nonviolent entertainment, and to express oneself with art and song.
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