The Duke realizes that this has been a very taxing week for social justice advocates. The killing of Troy Davis was filled with the hope of repreive for a few hours, and then an overwhelming mourning for the US justice. At the same time, the Occupy Wall Street movement has been giving a voice to the discontent 99% of Americans feel. Yet with all this going on, I beg of you to take a few moments to support the #AfghanistanTuesday movement for an immediate end to the war.
[blackbirdpie url=”!/MidwestAntiwar/status/116508587915886592″]
We are adding the 10 Club to our original requests for #AfghanistanTuesday. (No, this has nothing to do with the Pearl Jam fan club, but we would love if they join.) The 10 Club includes anyone who who tweets to 10 of their friends to join #AfghanistanTuesday. Now we are asking you to do this in addition to your already tweeting your elected officials demanding that the US leave Afghanistan immediately. You can also, of course, tweet your thoughts, hope, prayers and blog posts about leaving Afghanistan.
I was asked recently what to do if you don’t have a twitter account. Well then, use what you have at hand. Write an email every Tuesday to 10 friends about #AfghanistanTuesday. Post on facebook about it, and link 10 friends. Post to your blog about it.
And you can always join us directly by getting a twitter account. They’re free, and as easy to get as an email account.
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