The Peace Song of the Day, as chosen by Duke Augustus and Duchess Susanna, The Duke and Duchess of Peace, is “Occupy Wall Street (We Are The 99%)”. “Occupy Wall Street” was written by Long Island singer/songwriter Jeremy Gilchrist, who used to play music at our favorite Cafe (now a victim of the economic downturn.) You can see the lyrics to the song in text at the bottom of this post.
For more information about Occupy Wall Street, please visit the website where they first called for the demonstration:
The Duke and Duchess of Peace are proud of citizens — such as those in Egypt, and those on Wall Street — who use nonviolent protest to reform their country. Hopefully, 2011 will be remembered for the Arab Spring and The Fall of Wall Street.
Despite our aristocratic titles, The Duke and Duchess of Peace count ourselves among the 99%. We hope that the 1% will awaken to the needs and demands of their brothers and sisters. And, that more democracy and economic justice will come to the 99%.
The song: Occupy Wall Street
The composer: Jeremy Gilchrist
The lyrics:
Occupy Wall Street
They can take our money
They can take our homes
They can steal the future
Mortgage our souls
Occupy the politicians mind
Buy the truth and sell us lies
But there’s a rising on wall street
I am you and you are me
We are the 99%’ers
On the right side of love and history
It’s hard to say where it went wrong
Decades before me and this song
Through the banksters and the wars
You know I just can’t take it anymore
There’s a rising on wall street
I am you and you are me
We are the 99%’ers
On the right side of love and history
Jeremy Gilchrist
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