“One Brick at a Time”, from the musical Barnum, is the Royal Peace Song of the Day for Friday, September 23rd.
Duchess Susanna saw the play Barnum, off-Broadway, when she was a young thing. And, she has always been inspired by the music. In between a more complex plot, the play Barnum has uplifting songs about dreaming, hope, and choosing paths in life.
Below is an excerpt from the lyrics. They make you feel like you can do anything.
To build a tower up so high to a cloud you’ll anchor
Build it one tiny brick at a time
Bucks multiply till a bum’s a banker
Just begin with a thin silver dime…
A historical note on the lyrics: It seems that in this day and age, more bankers have become bums, than bums have become bankers. Considering the bailouts and the subprime mortgage scandals, which of the two kinds of folks — bums or bankers — do you like better right now?
The Royal Song of the Day is a project of Duke Augustus and Duchess Susanna, The Duke and Duchess of Peace. (Though, the Duke does not, in general, like musicals, and did not appreciate this particular choice of a Song for the Day, nor does he find it singable. The Duchess likes it very much.)
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