This is the tweet that started the concept of #AfghanistanTuesday on Twitter:
[blackbirdpie url=”!/MidwestAntiwar/status/103208938941587456″]
Let’s get the tweets rolling to end this ten-year war. The cost of all these wars are destroying the US. The US needs to leave now!
Until the US leaves Afghanistan, tweet every Tuesday:
Your thoughts on how to get out of Afghanistan immediately.
- Your reasons for wanting to get out of Afghanistan immediately.
- What Town Board meeting you are going to demand they pass the US Mayors’ Bring the War Dollars Home resolution.
- Quote articles and blogs posts giving reasons to end the Afghanistan War immediately
Here are 2 articles from last week that emphasize the need to leave Afghanistan immediately:
The first article is The Pentagon Since 9/11: By the Numbers. It gives yet another perspective on the unimaginable sums of money wasted in these wars. More discussion of how much money has been wasted on these wars can be found in Bring Peace to your Town Board Meeting
$869 billion for Iraq, $487 billion for Afghanistan, and everything else your almost $8 trillion in military spending bought you in the last decade.
The killing of Osama bin Laden did not put cuts in national security spending on the table, but the debt ceiling debate finally did. And mild as those projected cuts might have been, last week newly minted Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta was already digging in his heels and decrying the modest potential cost-cutting plans as a “doomsday mechanism” for the military. Pentagon allies on Capitol Hill were similarly raising the alarm as they moved forward with this year’s even larger military budget.
The article The Unwinnable Afghan War: Get Out Now to Save America reminds us that historically a war in Afghanistan has brought down empires:
There is another reason Afghanistan is a good place to begin reimagining the American stance toward defense spending. We’re not getting anywhere and won’t, just as the Russians (and the British before them) could never conquer those forbidding, isolated valleys and the warlords who rule in them. Richard N. Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, made this assertion a year ago.
Before the Afghanistan War even started, the peace movement spoke of the doomed history of wars in Afghanistan, and predicted the current quagmire: The article goes on emphasize that voices from military establishment is also looking to an immediate end to the Afghanistan War:
The arguments to spend less on defense, spend smarter, and still preserve American security are mounting. And it is just as well they are made by former Army officers and retired Pentagon officials—the kind of people who can get a Nixon-in-China effect because of their credentials. “It’s not enough to tinker with the defense budget,” Joseph S. Nye, a former assistant defense secretary, recently argued in the New York Times. “We also need to rethink how we use our military power.”

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