Planet Home: Conscious Choices for Cleaning and Greening the World You Care about Most by Jeffrey Hollender and Alexander Zissu breaks Duke Augustus’ rule of only recommending books he has thoroughly read. Though in a different way, the Duke and Duchess are thoroughly familiar with the author. Hollender is the co-founder and former CEO of the Seventh Generation cleaning products company. In addition to natural cleaning agents such as vinegar, salt and baking soda, the Duke & Duchess’ castle has been thoroughly stocked with Seventh Generation products for a decade. (Refresh the page if the reader with the first chapter of the book does not appear.)
Two of the Seventh Generation cleaning products we use are:
The Hollender’s book seeks to answer common questions about cleaning products:
- Where does a product come from?
- What’s in it?
- Who made it?
- What corporate values is your money supporting?
- Do you even really need it?
Hollender describes the books mission:
We address the reader’s world nook-by-nook with tips, lists, sidebars and illustrations. We go from the tiniest corner in your closet to your kitchen and kids’ rooms, out to the backyard and then into the community, offering a practical way to care for absolutely everything in and surrounding the home. With each everyday topic – even something as mundane as cleaning a toilet – we tackle the deeper, concealed issues about our health, our environment and our commitment to a better world.
Hollender give a list of “the five most important things to do” to “take action right now.”
- Buy less stuff, most of us already have more stuff than we need
- Tell companies what their doing right and what they are doing wrong. They actually listen and will usually respond. Use email, Facebook, Twitter, even write a letter.
- Turn down the heat at home and work this winter and put on a sweater.
- Shop at your local farmers market.
- Support businesses that are members of the American Sustainable Business Council. They are working to create a better future for us all.
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For shopping links to products like these, and charts to help you shop with respect for the environment, animal life, and human life, see our “Compassionate Shopping Tips” post: here.