When faced with crisis and a need for communication, The Duke and Duchess of Peace seek out noble people and organizations to listen to.
Below is a message from a board member of the Fellowship of Reconciliation’s Norway chapter. The full message can be found at FOR: here.
How fragile we are: A message from FOR Norway
Dear IFOR friends,
As our handful of IFOR activists are scattered due to summer holidays, this response will be from me as the Chair of our national board.
First of all, let me express my heartfelt gratitude for the messages of sympathy and solidarity that we receive right now.
Our nation is in a state of shock. Our feelings alter between grief, numbness and despair. The political leaders are all united in one block against these horrific atrocities. We are surprised and shocked that it could take place in our country and disgusted by the evil and callousness by which the monstrous misdeeds have been carried out…