The Duke and Duchess of Peace have not encountered any protests against them thus far.
Though, for Prince William and Duchess Catherine, there have been some protests criticizing the monarchy in general, Queen Elizabeth, and the cost of their tour.
Here are some articles of interest:
Re: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s visit to the Inistitut de Tourisme et D’Hotellerie du Quebec, for a cooking class:
-In a story at The Montreal Gazette, pastry chef Yves Petit says, “There are more peaceful ways to express yourself and the (world is) watching…” Chef Petit refers to “10 dummies”. The Duke and Duchess of Peace were wondering if Chef Petit is referring to the riot police. Because, demonstrating displeasure with government is one of the most peaceful activities there is. (And, we think he has his numbers wrong, but cannot confirm at this time.)
Re: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s visit to Sainte-Justine Hospital in Montreal:
–The Global Regina reports “a few dozen protesters”. “’We don’t have any beef with William and Kate, we just want the monarchy to stop legislating our country . . . We want democracy,’ said Sophie Turcot, a member of the group.”
–The National Post reports “roughly 50 protesters”
–MSNBC reports “About 35 protesters, including members of the separatist group Reseau de Resistance du Quebecois, or Quebecker Resistance Network…”
RE: A good article for the history of relations between England and Canada, and England and Quebec:
-“Quebec and the royals: A rocky history risks another bump” at The Globe and Mail: here.